
Relationship Couples Playing Golf 2023

Over the last few years many of us have realised how important sport is in our daily lives, not just in terms of improving our fitness and mental health, but also with being able to socialise with friends and loved ones in a competitive environment.

Benefits of golf on your physical and mental wellbeing.

This year, many will make the effort to make a change in their life and set out plans to help them get fit or improve their mental health. What if there was a sport that not only gets you out and about but can also help clear the mind? Golf! 

In: anxiety

Disability in golf, how you can help in 2023

As the new year approaches, many of us are thinking about our resolutions and goals for the upcoming year. One resolution that can have a lasting impact on both us and our communities is volunteering. Have you considered volunteering while doing something you enjoy and volunteer for the England and Wales Blind Golf? They are an organisation who provide visually impaired individuals the opportunity to train and compete in the game of golf whether as a beginner or a seasoned golfer.

Celebrating Some Memorable Golf on Time Travellers Day

The 8th of December is the day you can channel your inner Doc Brown as it is National Pretend to be a Time Traveller Day.

The top 5 golf documentaries to watch in 2022

With the UK weather being unpredictable as always, what do you do if you need some down time but can’t get out on the course. Here at PlayMoreGolf we have been looking at some great golf documentaries to watch when you are unable to hit the fairways. Here’s our top 5 picks:

Virtual Reality Golf, fun gimmick, training aid or a complete waste of money


How To Play A Winning Game Of Golf On Windy Days

Any game of golf requires planning and concentration. For you to win a game, it’s critical that you understand how the environment impacts play. Now that Autumn is upon us, wind can present you with some unique challenges. After all, golf is usually played in wide-open spaces where there is little protection from the elements. But wind isn’t solely a barrier to play. When you play golf in the wind, you can make wind your friend.  

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