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PlayMoreGolf Boxing Day Bundles Boost Festive Feelgood Factor



As the days get colder and the nights draw in, for many golfers this is the time to pack away the clubs, not to be seen again until the following year. However this doesn't have to be the case, winter golf can be the most rewarding and enjoyable.

Here are just a few pointers on how to keep your game up to scratch over these winter months and gain an advantage over your opponents...

Major locations 2022


Top 5 Ryder Cup moments this century!


10 Reasons to Join PlayMoreGolf this Autumn

Autumn is very nearly here, there’s no stopping it. Before you know it the leaves on the trees will start changing from green to golden and we will be seeing Christmas gifts in the shops. And while many may feel that the change in weather stops you from hitting the fairways and enjoying your golf, we want to look at why as an avid golfer who wants to get the best value for money without compromising your game, why purchasing a PlayMoreGolf membership anytime of the year is still a great option. We look at ten reason why you should look at starting your membership this autumn.

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