
How to challenge the ‘race to the bottom’ at your golf club

Golf clubs witnessed an unprecedented boom last year with PlayMoreGolf’s data showing a 260% spike in members since July 2020. Today, however, we find ourselves in limbo with golf courses seeking to drive revenue and enjoy the resurgence we’ve seen in the game at all levels.

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Half of members play golf a week after restrictions lift in England

Here at PlayMoreGolf we have been working hard in preparation for all course in the UK to be able to accept visitors and allowing the 2021 Golf Season to really begin.

How Wirral Golf Club Flourished During the Pandemic

Many golf clubs have been experiencing challenging times, not just during the pandemic, even well before then many golf courses have been working hard to make a profit but still struggling to make their venue profitable. During lockdowns our team have been writing blogs and providing information on things to consider when course open. Golf Shake have an extremely positive article on Wirral Golf Club showing how some changes can really elevate your course, the full article can be read here, we have included some really interesting snippets below.

The Flexibility of PlayMoreGolf and how this Benefits both Members and Club Partners

At the end of 2020, 3,500 of our 12,000 members participated in a survey to gather key information on the additional spend that is generated for our PlayMoreGolf clubs. Our members play at over 250 golf clubs across the UK, so this survey provided us with brilliant insights into pre-round and post-round spending behaviours at clubs all over the country.

Food and Beverage Options for Golf Courses in 2021

At the end of 2020, 3,500 of our 12,000 members participated in a survey to gather key information on the additional spend that is generated for our PlayMoreGolf clubs. Our members play at over 250 golf clubs across the UK, so this survey provided us with brilliant insights into pre-round and post-round spending behaviours at clubs all over the country.

Top tips from industry expert Eddie Bullock: How Golf Clubs can get ready for the 2021 season

Golf clubs witnessed an unprecedented boom last year with PlayMoreGolf’s data showing a 260% spike in members since July 2020. Today however, we find ourselves in limbo with golf courses closed and players unable to play their beloved game.

Golf clubs will no doubt be eagerly awaiting the Government’s response to a recent petition calling for golf to be allowed with appropriate safety measures – which now has over 130,000 signatures. But in the meantime, there’s plenty that clubs can be doing to prepare for the busy season ahead.

We sat down with the UK’s leading golfing consultant, Eddie Bullock, to get his view on how you can best prepare your club to hit the ground running when restrictions are lifted. Eddie is the expert behind the success of Golf at Goodwood and Woburn Golf Club, helping clubs to create value by focusing on mindset, behavioural change, and team culture building. Here he’s shared with us his top three tips for golf club success in 2021.

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